Design Engineering

Watch: Fastest robot to solve puzzle cube wins world record

By DE Staff   

Automation Motion Control Mitsubishi Robotics

The project team with the Guinness World Records certificate in Hyogo, Japan. (Photo: Mitsubishi)

Mitsubishi was awarded the Guinness World Records title for the fastest robot to solve a puzzle cube using a robot equipped with high-speed, high-precision factory automation (FA) equipment and control technology.

The robot’s time of 0.305 seconds beat the previous record of 0.38 seconds, for which Mitsubishi Electric received a Guinness World Records certificate on May 21.

The TOKUI Fast Accurate Synchronized motion Testing Robot, named by its engineer, can perform a 90° rotation time of 0.009 second thanks to its rotation mechanism, which is built with Mitsubishi Electric’s compact, high-power, signal-responsive servomotors and a color-recognition algorithm developed with proprietary AI technology. In addition, the servomotors, programmable controller, industrial PC, touch panel display and cameras are all designed to achieve high-speed signal connection and inter-device control.



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