Design Engineering


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Tool Honing
Century Machine Inc

A range of machine tools for honing applications are available from Century Machine Inc. We also offer custom tool design and manufacturing services. Ou...

Helicoil Thread Inserts
Gould Fasteners Ltd

Among the varieties of fastening solutions that Gould Fasteners supplies in Canada is Heli-Coil thread inserts, or precision-formed thread coils of stai...

Systems Compressors
Compair Canada Inc. div. of Gardner Denver

Compair Canada Inc. div. of Gardner Denver offers a wide range of systems compressors.  Our products are used for many applications including cooli...

Pinch Solenoid Valves
ODE Valve Canada

ODE Valve Canada offers a portfolio of industrial valves unlike any other in the country. Our lineup includes angle, pneumatic, proportional, self-actua...

Precision Springs
Bohne Spring Industries Ltd.

With a dedicated team that is always innovating, Bohne Spring Industries Ltd. manufactures precision springs, wire, strip forms, and metal stampings. Fo...

Hydraulic Vane Pumps
Wainbee Limited

Wainbee limited can supply a variety of hydraulic vane pumps. The types we offer include bi-rotational and uni-rotational, keyed or splined shaft, reinf...